Why use a professional pet sitter?
Advantages for you & your pet –
Advantages for you & your pet –
- Reduced Stress. Your pet stays in a familiar secure environment where all the sights, smells, and sounds say “Home!”
- No “Travel Trauma!”
- TLC. Most importantly your pet will receive lots of love and attention while you are away.
- No Imposition. You don’t have to impose on a friend, neighbor, or relative to care for your pet. Instead you can rely on us! We are Pet Care Professionals who will put your pet’s needs first.
- Security & Special Services. Your home will have that “lived in look.” We can alternate lights, water the plants, put out the trash, and pick up the mail/ newspapers.
- Peace of Mind. While you’re away, you can feel confident that your pet is in capable caring hands.
- Professional pet sitters can help insure that your "best friend" will not go too long without human interaction.